Use these simple 11 tips to help you become a better and more efficient project manager.


The planning stage is critical. Spend time to ensure that you understand what is expected of you, what you require from the project team and that the scope is clearly defined.


Always try and double the amount of time you spend on communicating all aspects of your project. Think about what you need to tell people, when and how best to deliver it.

Knowledge base

Create a knowledge base so that people can use it throughout the project. This helps to ensure you only have one version of each document or message and it will save time in the long run.

Time management

Ensure you manage both your time and the time of your project team members.

Project assets

Create a repository so that all the project documents are stored in one place and accessible to all members of your project team.


Every project will have risks, and some will be easier to mitigate than others. Ensure you document the risks and communicate these to the project board.


Document everything from business cases to minutes of meetings. You will almost certainly need to refer to them in the future.

Pick your team

Once you know the skills your project needs, pick the best people you can to help you deliver your project.


When you have reached a milestone make sure you reward your team. Saying thank you goes a long way in helping to ensure staff remain motivated and committed to the project.


Make sure that people can continuously submit their feedback and suggestions. Be open to their comments and be prepared to make changes if you need to.

The right tools for the job

Using the right tools will make it easier to manage your project. most of the project management tools are very similar in their basic functionality – pick the one that you feel most comfortable with.

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